LinzeCar is the 100% digital APP for buying and selling new and used cars quickly and safely, which will allow you to choose the vehicle that best suits your needs and/or advertise and sell your vehicle with the support of the review. from an automotive specialist, all from the comfort of your home.Linze has a robust operating system to monitor and support its Users for the success of the purchase - sale.Linze has a model:• 100% Sustainable and paper-free, where you will sign the documentation from your cell phone with your electronic signature.• Fair price, which will be regulated by the offer prices in the market, and as advertised by the seller and negotiated by both parties, who will agree on the amount of its price.• Safe and guaranteed by technical inspection by a specialist.• Comfortable, carrying out the notarial and registration procedures for you.Download the APP for FREE and start enjoying its benefits from your cell phone.